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Presenting Your Past is a family affair.

As a keen writer, big sister Rachel is passionate about capturing people’s stories.

“As a child, I loved listening to familiar family stories. They gave colour to the old black and white photos and faded family trees.


However, as I grew older, we somehow lost some of these stories. Details were forgotten or confused. I really wish that someone had written down these stories, so that I could now pass them onto my children too.”


Rachel has a wide range of communication expertise, having worked as a researcher for numerous BBC TV and and radio programmes, and also working as a Government press officer.


She also published a novel for young people, "War Pigeon, Peace Dove," before setting up PYP 9 years ago. 

For little sister Alice, it isn’t just about the stories, but it’s about the pictures too.


“We all know the phrase, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ I couldn’t agree more! However, without context and a little explanation, it’s often difficult to look back and remember the story behind the picture."


As passionate Life Story writers, the team also run Community Life Story Projects-, and Rachel is the volunteer lead for the Surrey Age UK Life Story Project, My Life, My Story. 

Rachel and Alice as kids
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